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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Castings for Playboy's hit show, Foursome

Do you want to be on Playboy's hit show, Foursome??? We are coming to Las Vegas and looking to find FUN HOT SINGLES! Are you wild, uninhibited and sexually open??? Do you want to explore your wild side? If you're SINGLE and between the ages of 21-28 we would love to hear from you.

The show is about 2 hot guys and 2 hot girls spending a 24 hour period in a gorgeous luxury mansion. It is a REALITY show with 4 hot singles looking to explore their wild we are looking for FUN and WILD types who love to have a great time. You must be SINGLE to participate. Since this is a Playboy program, so you must be very comfortable with your body and nudity is required...this opportunity is definitely NOT for the shy and timid ;)

If you are selected and appear in the show, you will be paid $500 for the 24 hour period and all other expenses for the evening will be paid. We look forward to hearing from you and if you are not single but know someone else who would be good we want to hear about them.

Please submit: Head shot, Fullbody shot, Swimwear shot, Bio, and Contact Information. You must already be located Las Vegas, NV or San Fransisco for audition and dates of filming

***Please Research The Subject Matter Before You Submit***

You can contact me on One Model Place or email me directly at and reference HB Models at the end of your email.

Good Luck,

HB Models

Friday, February 6, 2009



Do your homework before booking any assignment. Always ask for references from people the photographer has worked with if the photographer is not well known.

It is recommended that you always take an escort to a shoot. However, you should not expect a photographer to pay for your escort's travel expenses.

Prior to a shoot, tell someone where you will be, provide the contact information of the photographer, and tell them that you will contact them during the shoot. When you get to your shoot, you should then make a point of checking in with that person to let them know exactly where you are, what the plan of action is, and when you expect to be home. If you don't have a cell phone, then use the photographer's phone. If he doesn't let you use the phone, maybe you shouldn't be there.



As with any career, it is important to plan. As the saying goes, "Failing to plan is planning to fail". You will get much farther and be more effective if you are organized, set realistic goals, and then set about to achieve those goals. You need to consider everything from how to get started and how to market yourself to how you will position yourself when paid offers for nude or topless shoots come in or a photographer's behavior or request makes you uncomfortable.

As with any skill, practice and experience will make you better. Therefore, if you take your aspiring career seriously, it is important that you are either getting experience, practicing what you need to become better at, or both.

Be informed. Study. If there is a particular market you can see yourself fitting into, research it. Study the models in magazines. Find out who your favorite models are. Find out how they started out and became successful. One of the most common ways of becoming successful is emulating the behavior, attitude, and drive of those who became successful.

Understand a little bit about photography. Understand what makes a good photograph. Find out what types of photos you like best. Keep these photos in mind when you are shooting.




If you are serious about progressing your career, modeling will be hard work. Many jobs will be fun, but some will also involve working in difficult conditions (cold, wet, etc), wearing uncomfortable outfits, or holding uncomfortable poses for significant periods of time.

Persistence is important. Being a model will typically mean having to deal with rejection and criticism (not all of which will be constructive). You may be told you are too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, too fit, too out of shape, don't have the right look, are not intense enough, are too intense, are not relaxed enough, etc. The point it, you may be criticized in any number of ways depending on who you are working with and what their needs are. It is important that you develop a positive means to be able to deal with criticism.

Dealing with the difficulties associated with modeling will often lead many models to give up before they've really given modeling a chance. If it was truly that easy to make a living at modeling, then everyone would do it. As with any career, the rewards of success can be great, but you generally have to earn them.

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